Notice: Undefined index: security-level in /opt/lampp/htdocs/mutillidae/hints-page-wrapper.php on line 21

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Notice: Undefined index: security-level in /opt/lampp/htdocs/mutillidae/hints-page-wrapper.php on line 34
Using Burp-Suite
Using Burp-Suite


Burp-Suite is a set of tools packaged in a single framework that will be helpful when assessing web applications. A series of videos is provided below to help get started with Burp-Suite.


Click here to watch How to Install Burp Suite on Linux
Click here to watch Introduction to Installing, Configuring, and Using Burp-Suite Proxy
Click here to watch How to install and configure Burp-Suite with Firefox
Click here to watch Basics of Web Request and Response Interception with Burp-Suite
Click here to watch Basics of Burp-Suite Targets Tab
Click here to watch Spidering Web Applications with Burp-Suite
Click here to watch Using Burp Intruder Sniper to Fuzz Parameters
Click here to watch Comparing Burp-Suite Intruder Modes Sniper, Battering-ram, Pitchfork, Cluster-bomb
Click here to watch Introduction to Burp-Suite Comparer Tool
Click here to watch Introduction to Fuzzing Web Applications with Burp-Suite Intruder Tool
Click here to watch Brute Force Page Names using Burp-Suite Intruder
Click here to watch Analyze Session Token Randomness using Burp-Suite Sequencer
Click here to watch Using Burp-Suite Sequencer to Compare CSRF-token strengths
Click here to watch ISSA 2013 Web Pen-testing Workshop - Part 1 - Intro to Mutillidae, Burp Suite & Injection
Click here to watch Brute Force Authentication using Burp-Intruder
Click here to watch How to Exploit Local File Inclusion Vulnerability using Burp-Suite