Notice: Undefined index: security-level in /opt/lampp/htdocs/mutillidae/hints-page-wrapper.php on line 21

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Notice: Undefined index: security-level in /opt/lampp/htdocs/mutillidae/hints-page-wrapper.php on line 34
Frame Source Injection
Frame Source Injection


Frame Source Injection may occcur when the src attribute of a frame or iframe is determined by a parameter sent by the client. In this case the client can send an unintended URI which may be displayed in the frame.

Discovery Methodology

Inject canaries into each available parameter and cookie. Observe if any canary is found in the src attribute of a frame.


Inject a URI into the parameter found. Prefix and/or suffix the injections to generate correct syntax. For example, inject into the SRC attribute of a frame element, then check if Google home page is displayed in the frame.