Notice: Undefined index: security-level in /opt/lampp/htdocs/mutillidae/hints-page-wrapper.php on line 21

Notice: Undefined index: security-level in /opt/lampp/htdocs/mutillidae/hints-page-wrapper.php on line 28

Notice: Undefined index: security-level in /opt/lampp/htdocs/mutillidae/hints-page-wrapper.php on line 34
Platform Path Disclosure
Platform Path Disclosure


Platform Path Disclosure may result when internal system paths are disclosed to the user-agent (browser). These paths can be used in other attacks such as directory browsing.

Discovery Methodology

Attempt to discover if it is possible to cause errors by injecting all input parameters with characters that are reserved in various contexts. Search web page sources (view source) for internal system paths.


Note if the web server is Linux or Windows based. Search pages with and without injection. Use the grep feature of Burp-Suite to seach for platform path patterns that match the web server operating system type.

Click here to watch Introduction to Fuzzing Web Applications with Burp-Suite Intruder Tool
Click here to watch Finding Comments and File Metadata using Multiple Techniques
Click here to watch How to Sweep a Web Site for HTML Comments
Click here to watch How to Install dirb on Linux
Click here to watch How to Use dirb to Locate Hidden Directories on a Web Site
Click here to watch How to Install OWASP DirBuster on Linux
Click here to watch How to use OWASP DirBuster to Discover Hidden Directories on Web Sites